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Strange Seeings

About this web site

I have been interested in UFOs since the 1970s and have quietly watched developments in the field of what has become known as ‘Ufology’.

‘Ufology’ has a scientific sound to it and indeed many UFO researchers yearn for scientific respectability. I have doubts about the term. Much of the study of UFOs is anything but scientific, and indeed is packed with disinformation from fraudsters, delusional individuals, attention seekers and possibly government disinformation too. On UFOs, often it seems that those who know do not tell, and those who do not know tell us a lot. Selectivity and rigorousness are crucial attributes of serious UFO researchers but too many of them have little of these.

Personally I have seen two UFOs, meaning unidentified objects in the sky. One was while on holiday in Cuzco, Peru. It was a bright strangely shaped object that hung motionless for a short while; when I looked again it was gone. I cannot draw any conclusions about what it was. My other sighting was a brief glimpse of an apparently light grey disc which flew overhead in northern England where I live. The sighting lasted for about three seconds on a bright sunny day with little cloud. The sun was in a different part of the sky, and the only other possibility was that I was looking at a helicopter but it made no sound and seemed to disappear in a clear blue windless sky. Fascinating, but neither of these sightings convince me let alone anyone else.

The great writer Arthur C Clarke said that anyone who has not seen a few UFOs is not very observant – he had seen several but did not ‘believe’ in UFOs. The mind can play tricks.

However having digested a lot of evidence on the subject of UFOs I am of the opinion that there is something to the subject and that there are machines and beings visiting Earth which are not from Earth, or are not from this dimension of Earth, or are not from our time on Earth.

In this blog I attempt two things. Firstly to guide you through the most credible and cohesive information about UFOs and the beings who make them. Secondly to understand the behaviour of the visitors and of ourselves - two aspects which few people have discussed, as we are bogged down with an endless 'Yes they DO exist\No they DO NOT exist' narrative.

It may be that there are forces at work in our society which, by constantly denying their existence, seek to prevent discussion of the nature and intentions of our visitors.
