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Strange Seeings

A typical UFO sighting

Categorising UFO sightings

Here we will construct a series of what the great German sociologist Max Weber would have called ‘ideal types’ UFO sighting. An 'ideal type' is a typical example of something which can then be used for discussion and analysis.

Close Encounters

We will also take into account J. Allen Hynek's classification system for UFO sightings:

Close encounters of the first kind - CE1 UFOs seen at a distance of less than 500 feet

Close encounters of the second kind - CE2 UFOs which have some kind of physical effect - scorched ground where they land, radioactivity, witnesses paralysed, traces left on the ground

Close encounters of the third kind - CE3 UFOs which are also accompanied by some kind of moving entity - ether an apparent being or robotic entity

Ufologist Jacques Vallee extended this classification system:

Close encounters of the fourth kind - CE4 UFOs which abduct witnesses and take them onboard the craft itself, where they may meet the presumed operators of the UFO

Close encounters of the fifth kind - CE5
Events where the witness is physically affected by the UFO or its occupants

Ideal type UFO sightings

Ideal type nighttime UFO sighting

  • witness(es) see a bright light in the sky
  • the light makes either: -- very rapid movements beyond what an aeroplane or helicopter could execute -- slow movements -- is absolutely still
  • no sound is heard
  • if the object is within 500 feet then it meets Hynek's classification of CE1

Ideal type daytime UFO sighting

  • witness(es) see a disc, oval, 'tic-tac' shaped or triangular object in the sky
  • the object may be brightly illuminated from within
  • there may be flickering lights beneath the object
  • the object is of a grey or shiny metallic colour
  • the object makes either: -- very rapid inertia-defying movements beyond what an aeroplane or helicopter could execute -- slow movements much slower than an aeroplane could execute -- no movements i.e. is absolutely still
  • no sound is heard
  • the object may suddenly 'disappear' by leaving view at incredible speed
  • if the object is within 500 feet then it meets Hynek's classification of CE1

Ideal type UFO landing

  • witness(es) see a UFO land on the ground
  • the landing site is a remote unpopulated area
  • the UFO descends slowly, sometimes in the manner of a falling feather
  • the UFO sits stationary on the ground
  • the UFO may have portholes or window-like features
  • the UFO may sit on legs, struts or ski-like structures which protrude from beneath it
  • the ground under the UFO may afterwards have -- depression smarks -- scorch marks -- radioactivity -- time dilation - clocks placed on the landing site may run more slowly
  • the witness, if close to the landing, may experience sickness for a while afterwards
  • no one is seriously harmed by the incident -- any physical effects left would make this a Hynek's classification of CE2

Ideal type entity encounter

These are usually the same as the UFO landing above but additionally:

  • animated entities are seen near the UFO, often emerging from it
  • the entities may wear some kind of apparel, often a one-piece jumpsuit which may be metallic
  • the entities take the form of: -- 3-4ft tall slightly built grey entities with large black eyes and oversized heads -- approximately 8ft tall very thin entities with long arms and legs -- attractive human-looking beings with Scandinavian features
  • the entities inflict no harm on witnesses
  • these encounters meet Hynek's classification of CE3

Ideal type abduction

These are usually the same as landings and entity encounters with an additional feature. The witness:

  • is taken on board the UFO often without consent
  • may be lifted from the ground by a beam of light
  • may be magically passed through solid objects such as car roofs or walls
  • is typically abducted from a quiet place e.g. a country road
  • may find their car is mysteriously stopped by a UFO
  • may or not remember the whole experience i.e. there may be missing time, sometimes several hours
  • may find that they have been returned to near where they were at the start of the encounter, but may not know how they were returned
  • may encounter biological or non-biological entities on board the UFO
  • may be paralysed for all or part of the encounter
  • may be terrified during the encounter
  • may be secured on some kind of examination table
  • may communicate with the entities, or the entities communicate with the witness
  • suffers no permanent physical harm from the experience
  • may be rejected by the UFO entities if they are too old
  • may only remember the experience after several weeks or months have passed
  • may suffer emotional or psychological harm
  • these encounters meet Vallee's classification of CE4

Ideal type physical encounter

These incidents usually follow abductions with these additional features. The witness:

  • suffers and invasive procedure with tubes and objects inserted into their body
  • may experience their minds being floated out of their bodies
  • may engage in a sexual act with an attractive being - usually men experience this
  • may have surgical procedures performed on them
  • may be impregnated - females obviously
  • may meet offspring from previous encounters
  • may have objects permanently implanted into their bodies
  • suffers no physical harm from the experience
  • may suffer emotional or psychological harm after the experience
  • these emcounters meet Vallee's classification of CE5

Most of the many UFO encounters I have read about meet one of the above patterns.