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Strange Seeings

Why the UFO cover up?

Why the government cover-up about UFOs?
Why the government cover-up about UFOs?

The dominant theme of modern Ufology seems to be the assertion that the governments of the world, especially the US government, know all about aliens and UFOs but are ‘covering up’ by hiding the facts from their citizens. If this is true it is very dangerous in many ways, not least because it erodes citizens faith in their governments. In the USA the erosion of faith in the federal government has reached epidemic proportions and has gone mainstream with figures such as Donald Trump.

If there is a plot by governments to hide the truth about alien visitation there night be a good reason for it or there might be a baser reason. What are the possible motives for government cover up?

Fear of citizen panic

Orson Welles infamous 1938 radio version of H.G. Wells ‘War of the Worlds’ started a panic among some citizens in the USA. The show was broadcast in a news bulletin style which led many people to think it was a real live event. In the following days Wells had to apologise and the press expressed outrage at what seemed irresponsible radio broadcasting.

The whole ‘War of the Worlds’ episode must have lodged in the minds of those powerful people who maintain law and order in the USA, as well as senior military planners who could see the potential panic with could ensue from any talk of invasion.

Just a year after Welles’s broadcast World War II broke out and citizens of the free democracies read news of unspeakable horrors perpetuated by seemingly unspeakable people such as Himmler’s Waffen SS. The war ended in 1945 and in 1947, just two years later, and only 9 years after Welles’s radio show, there were newspaper reports of a ‘crash’ in Roswell, New Mexico, USA.

According to local news media staff the US federal government quickly took control of the situation in Roswell and the crashed object was publicly deemed to have been a ‘weather balloon’. Why would the government react this way?

If a UFO had crashed near Roswell it is reasonable that the government would want to investigate out of the glare of media attention, in case it turned out that there was something sinister amidst the crash wreckage. If the press got hold of stories of something alarming, they could quickly sensationalise it and public panic might ensue. Tabloid media might suggest that the crashed object was a reconnaissance craft preparing for a future invasion.

At the beginning of the Cold War there was enough public and media alarm about ‘reds under the bed’ without adding aliens under the bed.

Fear of government panic

World War II and the emergence of the communist Soviet Union as a superpower had already caused unease among the citizens of the USA and its governing elite. US capitalism and Soviet communism could never be friends. Roswell added, into this uncertainty and mistrust, the possibility of advanced alien beings flying around the USA. That itself was enough reason to cause the government to close the story down and prevent a full discussion of whatever it was that had crashed. The speed and methods by which this was apparently done has led many people to suspect that something important crashed in July 1947.

There is also the fact that whatever crashed, if it was a UFO, was apparently flying over the most sensitive air base in the world. At the time in 1947 the 509th Bomb Group was based there, a squadron which had been formed to drop atomic bombs and had dropped the 2 atomic bombs on Japan which ended World War II. 509th at that time was the only squadron in the world able to deploy atomic weapons. If the crashed object was of non-human origin the US military would be worried about its interest in their sensitive technology. Another understandable reason for a cover-up.

Finally government departments like to be able to evaluate, appraise and report back on new developments, especially in the sphere of national security. The fact that the government would not have known about the pilots and makers of any crashed UFO, is enough to justify a cover-up until appropriate experts have investigated and evaluated what the crashed object. Senor figures in national security would want to know what it was, where it came from, what was it doing at a sensitive air base, who was flying it, why were they flying it over sensitive air base and so forth. All of this might be enough to panic government officials quite apart from the public.

Fear of dissident groups

In any society there are dissident ant-government groups who will look favourably on those who are their enemy’s enemy. ‘My enemy’s enemy is my friend’ as the saying goes.

Most governments face dissident political groups, religious fanatics and plain weirdos. They might worry that such groups would ally themselves with aliens or foreign powers if there was a conflict. There were in the 1950s many cults which worshipped UFOs and aliens as liberators or divine beings. Fear of such groups allying themselves with enemies of the state is legitimate from a national security perspective.

Fear of attack by hostile aliens

This is the classic H.G. Wells or ‘Independence Day’ scenario. The aliens arrive with their advanced technology and start blasting away at everything. Human civilisation collapses and the aliens take over. We are exterminated completely or relegated to slavery.

In the climate of the Cold War the alien invasion fear must have been a real one after all the hostility and devastation of World War II.

People began to see many more ‘flying saucers’ in the late 1940s Especially after Kenneth Arnold’s world famous sighting in June 1947. Were aliens checking our defences in preparation for war? Many people asked that question.

Governments no doubt thought about it but played down public fears as they did so.

Fear of admitting they don't know

Some government officials may not like to admit that they do not know what UFOs are or who creates and flies them. This would make defence organisations such as the Royal Air Force and the United States Air Force look impotent. They are supposed to be defending us yet they cannot stop extra-terrestrial spacecraft from flying in our airspace.

In the 1950s the USAF General Nathan Twining was clearly uncomfortable when trying to explain that some UFO sightings defied rational explanation but did not seem to be a threat to America. It is easier to deny that UFO events happen than to admit they do but that the government has no idea what is going on.

Fear of hostile governments acquiring alien technology

Once again he Cold War is key here. Hostile aliens might seek to make friends with one or other of the 2 superpowers and give that country a huge military and technological advantage. If there was a war there might be an unbeatable combined military force of one Earthly superpower plus allied aliens.

US national security analysts may have asked ‘Are these aliens communistic in their outlook?’ Soviet analysts may have asked ‘Do these aliens value private wealth and property?’

The prospect of word domination by communism or capitalism backed by aliens would not doubt have alarmed national security organisation enough that they would play down sightings o UFOs. Meanwhile they would quietly investigate them in secret. There is a lot of evidence that this is what happened and continues to happen.

Wish to acquire advanced alien technology

All military advanced governments would like to get their hands on UFO technology. Witnesses to UFO sightings often describe astounding flight characteristics of usually disc-shaped craft with no visible means of propulsion as we would know it. There would be a lot to be learned from a captured UFO.

If any government acquired a captured UFO they would probably be keen to hide this fact from ally and enemy alike. Allies might want access to the technology but they might then accidentally leak critical information. Enemies would want to acquire any revolutionary technology as soon as possible.

As we have already discussed, any state with advanced UFO technology might have a huge military advantage. Best to deny that you have it but quietly try and integrate it into your military operations. Another good reason for a cover-up.

Wish to enter into alliance with aliens

Some states might be prepared to enter into some sort of deal or alliance in return for advanced technology with military uses. This would outrage rival states and also possibly many of such states’ own citizens. Aliens might demand resources, bases on Earth, privileges to operate in secret on Earth. Few governments would be prepared to admit that they had made a deal with aliens, especially if was onerous.

A hidden but terrifying reality

I once saw a 1980s video interview with a former NASA astronaut who said something like ‘the truth about UFOs might be so terrible that they cannot tell us’. Since this man was well connected I took his remarks seriously. He may not have known what that truth was, but may have been told it was terrible.

What could be such a terrible truth? I have read many accounts from alleged government insiders:

  1. Several hundred thousand years ago E.T.s edited our DNA to make us what we are today. This would indeed be a hell of a shock to us. Many people, especially religious believers, would struggle to accept this shattering challenge to their spiritual worldview.
  2. The aliens have had several terrible inter-stellar wars which have devastated entire civilisations. Different species of aliens are at odds with each other and more war is a continual danger.
  3. The aliens are engaged in a hostile programme of manipulation of our genetic code via a systematic program of abductions and the engineering of hybrid beings.
  4. The aliens are cynically waiting for us to destroy ourselves through environmental degradation or nuclear war.

It is impossible to verify any of the above but sometimes it seems that the governments of the world have put so much effort into hiding evidence of UFOs that there use be something huge at the centre of it.

Disruptive effects of alien technologies and civilisation

It may be that advanced aliens have eliminated all of the worries which mar the lives of most human beings: Financial security, employment security, falling into poverty, ill health, civil conflict, war, crime, corruption, domination by vested elites, inequality and prejudice. In theory many of these things could be eliminated by eliminating poverty. If an advanced alien civilisation is ordered and idyllic, many citizens of the states of Earth might with good reason start to question the dysfunctional arrangements under which they are forced to live. The elites who govern those dysfunctional states might feel that they or their states are threatened.

Some ufologists claim that aliens have discovered how to capture the free energy of the universe. This free energy is light (which we already harvest with solar panels) but also the energy of the solar wind - the trillions of high energy articles which hit Earth every minute. Earth’s energy companies might feel threatened. These companies have the power and resources to lobby and buy politicians. A lot of money and power might gather behind UFO secrecy.

In most states senior political, military, national security and business figures are drawn from the same elite circles. If their economic or political interests are threatened they might just close ranks.


I read a memorable UFO report in the 1990s where an American citizen reported dialogue with the occupants of a UFO. They advised him that mankind needed to establish a system based on equality. He reported his sighting and was visited by men who claimed to be from the CIA. They asked him not to mention the alien statement about equality, but they were not bothered about him talking about his UFO sighting. Fascinating.

If more advanced aliens had a system based on equality then that might terrify the leadership of many of the world's more unequal societies. In our current Earth economic system both local and global inequality is built-in and no account is taken of any damage to nature by our profit-driven activities. Maybe the aliens have something more terrifying than technology: a higher mode of spirituality and a social order based on benevolence.

Is the cover-up still needed?

If there is a UFO cover-up why is it still needed? Surely we have advanced spiritually from 1947 to the point where we can now consider the existence of extra-terrestrial life without a panic.

An interesting development is the recent admission by the US Pentagon that it has a UFO study programme. Some ufologists have predicted that this is the first step in a coordinated disclosure programme. Others doubt it. If there is a cover-up then it has worked until now. It might work for many years yet.

Some have speculated that many appalling things might have been done by governments over the years: possible deals with aliens, toleration of abduction of citizens, toleration of cattle mutilations, even the murder of UFO investigators and witnesses who got too close to the truth. If that is the case then do not expect an end to any cover-up in the foreseeable future. Perhaps too many bad things have happened.

Finally it may simply be that so far no elected President or Prime Minster has the political bravery to face citizens and admit ‘Yes UFOs and aliens are real but we have not told you the truth’. Or it may be that no national security community has yet told their political leaders that UFOs and aliens are real. So our political representatives may know as little as we.

All we can do is wait and make sure that our leaders know that we want to know the truth.